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Hokey Pokey


The apple of my eye , my 11 year old sister , Jodi is a future MasterChef in the making and we just love cooking together, and one of her favourite treats is hokey pokey …now if you don’t know what I’m taking about its honeycomb , the stuff in the centre of a crunchie chocolate :-) Hokey Pokey sounds so much more fun!!!

Its so quick and easy ..all you need:

Prep Time – 5 min

Cooking Time – 5 min

Rest Time – till cold

Makes + – 20 chunks


Baking Paper


Metal pot (don’t use your non stick pot)

Wooden spoon


Measuring cups and spoons

Airtight container


¼ Cup White Sugar

2 Tbsp. Golden Syrup

1/2 tsp. baking soda


Cover your board with a sheet of Glad Baking & Cooking Paper, place to one side

Place sugar and syrup in a pot stir to mix but you cant stir once once on heat

On a medium heat bring mixture to boil, DONT STIR, melt till a bubbling mass , you need your syrup to reach hard ball stage.

Temperature Guide

Hard-ball Stage 250-265ºF (121-130ºC)
Soft-crack Stage 270-290ºF (132-143ºC)
Hard-crack Stage 300-310ºF (149-154ºC)

Don’t take your eyes of the pot the sugar mixture can burn very easily. If needed remove from heat.

The next part is fun so make sure the kids are watching, hot sugar can burn so they need to be very careful.

Add the baking soda and mix quickly with a whisk, you will see mixture will start to foam like a volcano.

Turn mixture on to the baking paper; make sure you get everything out the pot.

Patiently wait till mixture has cooled 100% and hard.

Break into pieces and enjoy

Store in an airtight container and don’t put in the fridge.

*I’ve perfected this over many occasions but its so easy to burn your sugar or add to much bicarb, so be careful.


* I found this image/illustration for the method on yuppiechef

To make home made crunchie

Dip hokey pokey in your favourite melted chocolate

Place on Glad Bake & Cooking Paper and let cool:

An absolute treat any time of the day

Cleaning Tip

Once you have poured hokey pokey mixture out the pot fill pot with water and bring to boil so all sugar can dissolve and wash up is easy.

Always Remember


Written by claire allen

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